Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What to do with your Old Phone Books?

It's that time of year again. When went home today, there they were on my doorstep....new phone books. So what does one do with the old phone books they have? The easy thing to do is just toss it in the trash. Since I am very in to recycling, I have been looking for the usual dumpster the City of Astoria places for the community, as a phone book recycle drop station.

But....it's not there this year! So I went ahead and called Western Oregon Waste to see where it is, or will be. They informed me that because of the disappointing low turnout last year, the City of Astoria and Western Oregon Waste have made arrangements for us to place our old books in the curb side recycle boxes. Same goes for businesses.

I think the curb side recycle is great, and wanted to share with you the how easy recycling is these days. Being able to drop your phone books in there now, is a plus! Our office has already done the transfer. I too have cleaned out my home. If you are curious about your local recycle system, it only takes a minute to call. For people who live in our county, here is the web site http://www.westernoregonwaste.com/

So remember to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. It has been made so easy for us to do these days!!

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